To Do Lists

Write It Down And Check It Off – Why To Do Lists Work Are you using to-do lists throughout your day? If not, you may be missing out on one of the post powerful productivity tools out there. It doesn’t matter if you use the old-fashioned notebook and pen, or a to-do list app on your phone. There are three reasons why they work so well when it comes to…

Being Unique vs. Being Original: Is There a Difference?

Being Unique vs. Being Original: Is There a Difference? People like to think of themselves as unique, and they will even interchange the word unique with being original. But are they the same thing? Can you be unique without being original? Someone who decides they want to stand out may dress in a style that is outside the norm. If you look at people who adopt the Goth look, they…

How to Change Your Attitude

How to Change Your Attitude Life hasn’t gone the way you had hoped. You are in your same dead-end job, in a career you thought had some promise. But it didn’t turn out as planned. You believe it just isn’t on your cards to have that dream life. However, what could be the problem is not having the right kind of attitude. You may want to explore changing your attitude…

Unclutter Your Space, Unclutter Your Mind

Unclutter Your Space, Unclutter Your Mind It is widely believed that if your surroundings are cluttered, you will not be as productive. It has an impact on your psyche which means if you unclutter your space you will also unclutter your mind. When you open your mind, your thoughts and ideas will flow more smoothly. This is one of the major ways keeping your environment clutter free will lead you…

Want a Better Memory?

Want a Better Memory? Try Using Storytelling Memory – Do you remember facts easily? How about a well-crafted story? If you are like the majority of people, you will take good stories over dry facts any day. There are people who revel with facts alone. There is nothing wrong with this. But, our brains have been created to tell and hear stories. Therefore, storytelling has to be the easier way…

Power Up Your Focus Muscles

Power Up Your Focus Muscles It’s getting increasingly more difficult to focus these days. There are too many distractions available. From video games to social media, it makes you wonder how people can concentrate on tasks they should be doing. It’s possible though. You just have to learn how to power up your focus muscles. We tend to work better in spurts. Therefore, use that to figure out the optimal…

What do I need to know to start a business?

What do I need to know to start a business? What schools don’t teach about starting a business! Why would anyone start a business before they knew what put other new start-ups out of business? I did and I had businesses that failed because of a couple of the same problems that other businesses had. What it boils down to is that many entrepreneurs believe they know what they need…